Web design/E-commerce

Project info

WillBrand approached me to discuss a business idea for an e-commerce plattform. The idea was to offer clubs and SoMe influencers a plattform to sell their own products. WillBrand would take care of the production, the logistics and the e-commerce platform. The clubs and influencers would only need to take care of the marketing of the products.

Project brief

Design and build an e-commerce platform that could be easily managed by WillBrand. They should maintain, create and edit products, categories and shops. The primary focus was to create a site that will lead to conversions in sales. The secondary focus was to create leads in order to make more clubs and influencers become partners of WillBrand.

What needed to be done

  • Logo design
  • UI/UX of the site
  • Create the admin and structure of the platform
  • SEO optimisations
  • Build the site in webflow


The main challenge was to create a structure that would make it possible to make a strong visual identity for WillShop but also make every brand (influencer, club) to stand out on the shop/product page. This was extra important considering that it's an e-commerce site where trust is crucial for sales conversions. The trust was already present between the users and the clubs/influencers but not between the users and WillShop (yet). Therefore we needed to make sure that the specific brand language was present on the shop and product pages.

The logo

When working with the logo I had to have in mind that it was going to be positioned together with other brands. We wanted to place it underneath the brands with a "powered by..". for branding purposes.

When researching the typography for the site I came across the font Frank New which I used as  main font for the site together with Open Sans. Frank New was also used as the base for the logo.

Tools used

  • Sketch
  • Photoshop, illustrator
  • Webflow cms

+ Google services. Analytics, Search console, Tag manager

Start page
Influencer page
Blog page
MObile pages
Shop page - HAmmarby Handboll

Shop branding

The branding of the shops is controlled entirely in the backend and consists of 4 different elements/settings. The first part is the hero image that is uploaded for desktop and mobile. The second part is the icon/logo that is displayed next to the shop name on the hero image.

The other two settings are two color variables. One highlight and one background color. These colors are used as background of the navigation, buttons and other elements. In the images below you can see 2 different shops that use the same template.

Product page - hammarby handboll
Shop page - fotbollsnerd
Product page - fotbollsnerd
MObile pages
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